
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Just A Walk In The Park

The weather here has been nothing short of ALMOST perfect!  I don’t know that I remember a Spring quite like this.  EVERYTHING is in bloom.  “aaaahhhchoo!”  Okay so there is the whole allergy issue.  But it’s almost been worth it!


The wild roses have the most magnificent smell.  Not sweet……but more of a spicy herb type of scent.  Heavenly!



I failed miserabley at capturing a photo of the bazillion butterflies everywhere.


The nature trail through the park.  Miss Molly has been in doggie heaven on our morning walks!


What a perfect time of the year to win the perfect giveaway!

I was fortunate enough to win this beautiful collage from SueAnn at SueAnn's Journey.


I tucked it in with all of the other goodies on my Spring mantel vignette.  With is butterflies, fairy and nature inspired theme, it looks just perfect!  Thank you so much SueAnn!   I am honored to now be the owner of a beautiful piece of your art. 

Please be sure and visit her pretty blog.   She takes the most amazing photos and her art is so inspiring!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone!


1 comment:

  1. The collage looks right at home. Glad you like it!!
    Thanks for the shout out too!


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