
Sunday, March 3, 2013

DIY Vintage and French inspired sign!

Microsoft Word - Document6

I’m joining the 6 Days of Springsperation Party!  You can start the party HERE With Jennifer Rizzo or at any of the other host blogs!  There will be tons of wonderful ideas and inspiration for Spring!  Don’t miss out!


As for me, I  just completed one of my all time favorite projects today!  Not only do I love the way this one turned out, but it was a NO COST project!

I was ready for a new look on my dining room wall, behind my settee but wanted something differently, something out of the norm, for me anyway.

So….. I had hubby build a sign out of left over fencing that we had lying around.


You know, that wonderful grey weathered wood.  Then, using white paint that I already had, I dry brushed my wood.  Heavier in some spots than others.  Wanting my sign to look even more “chippy” I used some of the thick white paint from inside the lid and rubbed it in places here and there.

Then……I sent it to Heather for the lettering.   That girl is FAST and she does wonderful work!  This would have taken me all day.  It took her less than an hour!


Then she and I drilled holes and attached turquoise vintage Ball Jars. 


One on each side.  The original graphic is from the Graphics Fairy.  I took it to Photoshop and changed the lettering at the top to read Pastries and Candy.  I thought this seemed appropriate for the kitchen/dining area!


I simply removed the chalkboard from my frame and replaced it with my new sign.  The chalkboard can be popped back in its frame whenever I’m ready for it.





I’m very happy with the way this project turned out!  I love the look with my settee and all of it’s burlap, ticking, and drop cloth fabric.  It adds the perfect amount of needed texture.

So this added up as follows……..

Cost of fencing $00.00  Straight from my back yard.

Cost of paint     $00.00  Used the white paint that I had on hand.

Mason jars        $00.00  Already had mine.  They retail for around $8.00 each, maybe a little more for the turquoise.

Lettering            $00.00  Just one of the perks of having a daughter who is an artist!

Enjoy the party!



  1. A really great look for an unbeatable price - well done!!! Happy Monday from the enchanted oven.

  2. Very pretty, Denise! I love it! Heather did a great job on the lettering.

  3. Very pretty. Your blog is just delightful. I am following along now from Ontario, Canada. I love your china cabinet and how you dressed it for Easter. So sweet. Give Miss A a kiss for me. Deb

  4. the entire room is delightful and the project is amazing!!


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