
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Happy Volunteers!

When we were having the house painted my favorite outside wall planter had to be taken down.  We just propped it up in one of the flower beds and I pretty much forgot about it.  About a month later, I noticed plants popping up here and there. 

So I had hubby rehang it.  This time on a North facing rock wall.  Away from the siding that it was damaging.  (oops)  And with a lot more shade.


And look what I have now!  Pretty red petunias!  Certainly not the variety of plants that I would have preferred.  But considering I didn’t plant a single thing, these look gorgeous.  I finally started throwing some fertilizer on them just last month.

My planter was hanging in the middle of this wall.


It looked so pretty hanging there.  But it did get that late afternoon hot sun.   And, okay, there was the issue of the rotting siding…….  That empty urn is (impatiently) waiting for an autumn vignette.


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Here is my planter in years past.  Pre drought of the two previous years.  I don’t think anything would have survived the last two years with the temps well over 100 degrees anyway.  

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Another planter.  Sigh…… garden is lacking this year.  But next year….it will be back!

Oh……and here’s a tiny little sneak peak of what I have started creating for Autumn/Halloween…….


Just a little tease!  Hope you’re having a great week!



  1. Love that planter and the red and white petunias look so pretty spilling out of it. I didn't have as many plants outside this year as I usually do...the last two years they struggled so...but I wish I had because they all would have done great. the Halloween sneak peek.

  2. Wasn't that a wonderful surprise? I think that planter looks beautiful against the stone. The red shows up so well against it. I love the planter itself too.


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