
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

B.B.B. D.I.Y. series wk. 2 WITCH STOCKING

This weeks D.I.Y. is something that I had been wanting to design and make for a long time.

Remember the movie Hocus Pocus?  It’s one of my favorite movies of all time.  I watch it every October!


The costumes!  I love it all.

So wreaths are all the rage again for front door décor.  And I am sooo happy!  They are a LOT of fun to make!   But what about something a little different.

bbb week two header


Like this CUTE Hocus Pocus inspired witch stocking! 

Your Buy It List…..

  1. fabric 1/2 yard of solid color or 1 yard of fabric if it has a directional pattern and must be cut so the pattern shows from top to bottom.
  2. scrap fabrics, ribbons, rick rack, buttons, glittered tulle.  Tulle was purchased in a roll from H.L.  Piece of jute twine
  3. 1 piece floral foam for silk florals.   Small piece of floral wire for the handle to hang your stocking from.
  4. Spanish moss.  To cover the foam
  5. hot glue gun.  Almost forgot…..1 bag of poly-fil!
  6. sewing machine
  7. assorted left over fall silk florals.  One glittered bat pick.  Purchased at Michaels. A few twigs from the yard

So…to start this project, I needed an appropriate pattern.  Not an easy task! 

Finally, I found THIS ELF STOCKING PATTERN.  It was the closest I could find to what I wanted and it has a FREE PDF file download!  So I downloaded their pattern and modified it to fit my needs.

Lets Start Building……

Here’s how I modified the elf stocking pattern and made it a witchy pattern.


When you look at the pattern, you will see a dotted line on the foot.  Cut on this line, cutting the foot piece in half.  Your finished length as I show with my arrows, will be 14 1/2 inches.  Modify the shape of the boot to match your new longer size.

Now, we want a looonngg length. 


add a piece of paper to lengthen your stocking.  You will also notice that the top half was tapered.  Draw in the new pattern lines and take out the taper in the stocking as shown above.

Next, it’s still not quite long enough, so add a little more length to the top.


Now your pattern should measure 36” top to bottom.

Pin to your fabric and cut two pieces.

After your pieces are cut, turn them so that the good sides that will show are on the INSIDE.  I didn’t take a picture of this step, so we’ll pretend that the stocking below is turned wrong side out. Smile


You are going to stitch on the red line as shown above.  Leaving the front of the stocking open.  Now, trim off excess fabric around your seam, mainly around the toe and heel, and turn right side out.  You will probably need a pencil or something to help you turn the pointed toe,  it’s a little tight in that area!  Now’s the time to add any rick-rack or decorations (like the star) to the front of the stocking.


And the trim around the top.  Which you can read about HERE.  To tell you the truth, if I did this again, I would probably either skip this step, or just make a long ruffle.  For the amount of work that this took, it just doesn’t show well.

Now as to why we left the front open!….  So that you can stuff that toe with polyfil!  Using your pencil, begin stuffing your stocking until it’s good and tight from the tip of the toe to above the heel.  

Now stitch the front closed.  Stitch on the OUTSIDE so that your seam is on the outside.  Stuff the rest of your stocking, leaving room at the top for floral foam.

Now, we’ll glue buttons down the front of the stocking.


See above!  Lay your extra fabric from your front seam flat and glue buttons down the front.  Space as desired.  Then….take your twine and wind up the stocking like a shoe lace!  I love this little extra detail!  I didn’t have any,  but I think bells hanging from the laces would be cute also.

For a handle to hang my stocking by, I simply took some floral wire and poked holes through either side of the stocking and doubled it over to the opposite side, doing the same.

Now…….And I SWEAR all of this doesn’t take as long as it seems…….cute a piece of foam to fit in the top.  Glue to the inside of your stocking at the top and cover the foam with Spanish moss.

Now create your floral decoration!  Mine stands up about 12” above the stocking.


The glittered bat pick was what really did it for me!  It just gave it that little extra bit of bling and whimsy!



Now…..Hang it on your front door, or somewhere in your home, and go BRAG!

I hope you enjoyed our Witch Stocking tutorial!









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