
Friday, July 20, 2012

Arachnophobia! How I finally finished my master bedroom!

There’s nothing like opening your eyes first thing in the morning and seeing a bazillion tiny baby spiders just inches away all over your bedside table.  Now THAT’S one way to get going in the morning!
So out came the vacuum cleaner and we started cleaning.
Hubby…..”you know, when these things hatch, there can be hundreds of them.”
Sure enough, he was right.  I just hate it when that happens.  Later that night, a bunch more.  So we start emptying the entire bedroom and vacuuming as we go.  He suggests a bug bomb.  “In our BEDROOM!?” I say.  So then we start thinking……they could have hatched from ANYWHERE.  And how long have we had those mattresses??  I won’t even tell ‘ya.   WAY too embarrassing. Let’s just say we were waayyyy past the eight to ten year mark that they recommend.  Whoever “they”are.   So out they go.  Two crazy people, carrying a king size mattress and then the box springs down the stairs and outside.  I’m sure the neighbors were impressed.   It looked like trashville in the front yard.   So we drug them to the side of the house and inside the fence.
The next day……mattress shopping.  Extreme sticker shock ensued!  O……M……G……!!!!!
With the mattresses gone, I FINALLY was able to paint the bed properly.
Paris Grey chalk paint!  And YES it worked beautifully on that old brass bed!  I clear coated the entire thing and I’m tellin’ ya……you couldn’t chip that paint off if you wanted to!  AWESOME!  I had just bought the white coverlet from T.J.Maxx a couple of weeks before.  The bed skirt is from Overstock, the throw from Ikea.  I just love those stretchy throws of theirs!  And they launder beautifully!
Our ceilings in our bedroom are TALLLL.  I’ve always had a problem finding the perfect thing to go above the bed.  Then I remembered that Heather had this awesome chunky shelf with corbels that she wasn’t going to use in her new house.  I offered to buy it.  I mean….fair is fair…..right!?  She gave it to me.  GOOD daughter!
And it’s PERFECT.
It looks great on the wall.  And I added some height with the paper flowers and topiary.
All I had to do was add some Paris Grey and distress a little.  The crackle was already there.
I added this desk to my side of the bed.  I’m in love with the suitcase that I recently found at the Rink with the turquoise trim!
I painted my heavy metal/rusty urn and added the pop of pink hydrangeas.  Too bad they aren’t real.
Of course, one of my favorite things ever is the old church window where I hang my jewelry.
On Hubby’s side of the bed, I painted the frame of my memory board white.
Back against the windows, I moved in a chest (already painted) and the two chairs that were previously in my living room.
I actually like them better in the bedroom than I ever did in the living room.
On the left in my little alcove I arranged my ladder that Hubby pulled out of the neighbors trash with my vintage linens.  All I had to do was paint the ladder turquoise.
The “D'’ is made from old vintage buttons.  The canvas that I used is from a Hobby Lobby picture that I no longer wanted.  And the burlap with writing is from a reupholster job that Heather and I did.
I arranged my remaining linens on one of my mother’s vintage chairs.
Across from the bed went the bench that was in the guest bedroom.  A couple of the pillows that were previously on my bed fit perfectly. 
That’s our T.V. armoire to the right.
This has been a difficult room to decorate.  (And photograph)  It’s loooong and narrow.  But I LOVE my end result!  All I have left to do is make a decorative pillow for the bed and a pillow for each of my chairs and then I can proclaim this room “perfect” for us and our lifestyle!  And we all know THAT’s what it’s all about!
Now….on to the master bathroom!  We have a great start and it’s going to look so “purdy.”
Here’s to my new neutral bedroom.  Oh…oh….that new mattress set……HEAVEN!
Joining (a little late)  these fun parties
Friday at The Charm of Home
Inspiration Friday at The Picket Fence
Vintage Inspiration Friday at Common Ground

All of the direct links to these fun parties may be found on my bottom left sidebar.


  1. What a lovely, restful room! You did a wonderful job! Wishing you many nights of dream-filled sleep!

  2. OH! So much work but the results are BEAUTIFUL. Sweet dreams!

  3. Congrats on the new mattress....and your bedroom looks fabulous!!

    1. yes! We are sure enjoying that yummy soft mattress! I seriously think it's helping my back.

  4. Everything looks wonderful! You did a great job.

    Hope you have been well and enjoying the summer. Please pop by and say hi if you have a minute!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  5. Your bedroom looks really lovely. We had that little spider thing happen to us a few years ago but they were on our kitchen ceiling, gross! I hate spiders. I'm grossed out just thinking about it, lol.

  6. Yewww...spider and baby spiders!!! YOur bedroom looks fabulous, so glad you like your new mattress, usually when I get a new mattress it is a little to hard, until I got the pillow top mattress...Dreamy!!



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