
Friday, August 3, 2012

Places We Love

What makes a place GREAT to visit?  This year…’s cool temps.! 

But when you reach your destination what do you look for?

Fun shopping?

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Okay….so you’re in the mountains…..but a GREAT shop, a FUN shop, has a little bit of everything.

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like these reproduction vintage table clothes.  CUTE!

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great clothes and accessories

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Mix in a few vintage display items

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Loved the granite dishes.  Especially the red.

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And throw in a cute shop name….

Whispering Pines

In the perfect little town……..

Red Lodge, Montana

And you have the perfect shopping experience!

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Do you love a touch of primitives in your decorating?

It’s not usually my style, but I love, love this shop in Red Lodge.

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Love the name.  Don’t you?

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Cute vignettes everywhere you turn.

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The cutest little garden behind the shop.  Almost makes you forget how hot it is everywhere, doesn’t it?

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And a sweet little pup to approve your purchases.

Yep…..darn near perfect.

More to come!



  1. Wow...everything looks so wonderful. Love me one of those tablecloths!!

  2. Great shop. Montana...even the name conjures up beautiful images!

  3. EYE CANDY EVERYWHERE!!! Oooooooooo, wanna see more!

    Hope all is well your way! I am finally getting back around to Blogging again and visiting all my favorite Blogs :)


  4. I still have a place in my heart for primitives just not the Early American kind as much anymore. I miss discovering fun shops. Maybe in the Fall.
    Love that gray cubby!



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