Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It’s Back……

My project A.D.H.D.  that is.  I haven’t posted much lately because I haven’t completed many projects lately. 

For instance, I had a million things to do yesterday, woke up, walked down stairs and decided today was the day to start on a REAL slipcover for my living room sofa.

So I sewed all day yesterday.

It’s coming along though.

I’m about ready to start on the skirt. 

I have been met with a certain amount of resistance!

Ornery little thing!  I swear, she’s right in the middle of  the sofa every time I turn around.  And moving chubby little miss is no small task!

Other projects that I’ve been working on include these number blocks.

Hubby cut them for me and then I painted and glazed them.  I think these would look cute in an apothecary jar with other numbered goodies.   Or maybe in  jar with some old baseballs and a pic. of your kiddo, and then the block with his uniform number?  Or maybe in an old wire basket. 

Anywho……I love anything with numbers or letters  right now.  These are just the first batch and will be heading to the Rink and our booth soon.  I’ll be making some with letters also as soon as I can find a font that I love.

As you can probably see….I have also begun decorating for Halloween.

Love the way this tray turned out.  It’s all silver, black, and creams.  I’ll take a better pic. later.  The background is a huge slipcover in progress mess!


The window above the sink in the kitchen.


More later…….



  1. Can't wait to see the couch outcome. I want to slipcover mine so bad but I'm nervous about it.

  2. I put a Pottery Barn slipcover on mine...50% off! Such a sweet deal for sure.
    Yours is looking good! Love all your decorations. Very festive!! I love Halloween!

  3. Wish you were here to help me reupholster or slipcover an antique sofa. I know your sofa is going to be lovely. The blocks are so cute! And I always love fall and Halloween decor ~ my favorite time of year. I thought we were never going to cool down here but it is much better this week...low 80's during the day and in the 50's at night.

    Have a blessed week!

  4. I would love to see those blocks in a locker basket. Would be so cute.

  5. crazy fun over here, my kinda action :)
    I tend to hop around from one thing to another as well. I love the slip cover, and can not wait to see it finished.
    I will stay in touch, and visit often.

    Thank you for your very kind words on my Bird Poetry signs and poems listed.

  6. Your projects are awesome! One thing I don't do is sew. I'm in awe of you, making slipcovers.
    Love the blocks.
    Thanks so much for visiting, the party for Jake was a lot of fun.
    Hope you are having a great week so far.

  7. Denise,

    I've been wanting to sew a slipcover for my family room sofa. Are you sewing from scratch or are you using a pattern? I was going to try to make one from scratch....which is why I haven't sewn one yet. Ha! :D
    Love all the other eye candy!!

  8. What I wouldn't give for a tour of your home!!! I'm sure it's even more fab in person . I wish I had the patience and skill to tackle sofa slipcovers. I have two that are begging for them!

  9. Wow I haven't made a slipcover in years....yours looks great! Hope kitty isn't like mine and loves to scatch up new upholstery.
    Oh right just remember why I haven't done a slipcover in awhile:))

  10. LOVE all your Halloween goodies, and the blocks are awesome! Now that fat cat is a cutie,and I know what you mean about helping with projects, mine want to be smack in the middle of everything. Your slipcover is looking great, can't wait to see the finished sofa!!

  11. Girl, you are buuusssy! Great job on your awesome slipcover! I am really in love with those blocks. They are wonderful, and I think your hubby sounds like the best kindda help.
    I have kindda been a slug around here when it comes to tackling projects other thsn the garden. Maybe I will get it in gear soon.
    hugs to you...

  12. Oooohhh. Loving the number blocks. Very fun.
    Pam @ Becolorful

  13. Luv all your vignetts! And the Halloween decor also. Have a good Saturday....Julian

  14. Hi Denise,

    And here I am needing to tackle a loveseat and my sewing chair slipcovers. Maybe this winter I'll try it. I have books and have looked at so many bloggers tuts on making them. It really seems straight forward...for some reason it just seems like a BIG undertaking.

    Another reason you need to live closer to me! I would feed you bon-bons and delicious cake if you'd get me started! ha ha

    I wanted you to know I'm having my first ever giveaway. You must come enter..it's all stuff that you would love.

    ♥ & Hugs,

  15. I'm impressed with your slipcover. Can't wait to see how it turns out. I started putting up my Halloween tonight. I really didn't feel like switching everything out...putting away all the summery stuff because I love those colors. But now that I've started....I'm getting into it. I always enjoy seeing all your things. Really love your little trays of things.

    I tried to go to The Rink today but didn't make it there. But will soon. I'm looking for a chandelier for a friend.

    I spotted your booth right off last time I was there.

    Good luck with that slipcover especially with your little helper who is getting in the way.


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