Thursday, May 7, 2009


I keep going to Heather’s blog and looking at my little T-man’s baby pictures.  It has been years since I have seen them.


That tiny TINY little foot.  He was preemie and only weighed 5pds. 11oz. .  He was so tiny he scared me to death!  Heather was so good with him.  His size didn’t phase her!


He was so tiny that even preemie clothes were huge on him.  He was our little miracle guy.  He is and will be her one and only.  Strange how things turn out.  When she was a kid, she always talked about how she would have a huge family, “ five or six kids” she would say.  And I would always tease her and tell her that would be the day that I moved to Siberia.

Right after T-man’s recent 11th birthday he called me and said  “DeeDee, I’m stinkin’ RICH!”  He had been counting his birthday money.  Funny funny kids! 


He tells us that he’s glad he’s an only child.  He is WELL aware that he is spoiled rotten!  I think it’s difficult having an only child.  You have to stop and remind yourself every day not to spoil them too much.  And there are certainly some great life lessons to be learned when there are siblings around close to your age!

So anyway………..every time that I look at that tiny foot I’m reminded to count my blessings.  I don’t know what made me start thinking about this tonight, but……here you go.


You never know what twists and turns life will throw your way.


1 comment:

  1. What a precious post! I love that tiny foot! I have an only grandson too.....his Mummy is an only and so was his dad.......

    Blessings and smiles!


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