Thursday, June 18, 2009

Back To Normal!

I’m at Heather’s house this afternoon, just brought her home from the Hospital and she’s doing GREAT!  She said she feels better after this surgery than after any other that she has had.  We are soooo happy about it and we’re hoping she’ll be back on her feet in no time.  Of course she’s in some pain but she’s up and moving around and really doing well.   Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes!  We appreciate all of you so much.


Here in Blogland…………………………………..

Karen at My Desert Cottage is having a fun fun party in July.

Party PosterJuly

Please click on the button on my side bar to find out more information and visit her fabulous blog!    No excuses not to join us now!  You have until July 24th to prepare  your  work space for photos and get it  ready and looking beautiful!

That’s it for today!  I swear I’m still a little rattled from everything that’s been  going on.  I can’t seem to complete a sentence.

See ya,



  1. So happy to hear that Heather is home and doing well! Karen's party sounds like lots of fun :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend Denise.

  2. Hi Denise,
    Thanks for stopping by. Yes foxglove love cooler moist weather so they my not work for your climate. But you could just do them from seed w/o a big investment. So glad to here your Heather is doing well.
    See you on B&W Sunday!!!

  3. Hi ! Just popping in to say hello and that I loved reading about your studio space ( found you through My Desert Cottage)

    I love seeing how and where other artists create. You space is inspirational. I know what you mean about wanting the family nearby. I'm still painting in the dining room LOL but I may just have to create a new space for Karen's party ....would be a great challenge !

    Take care and thanks for sharing!
    Chantilly Grace


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