Sunday, August 16, 2009

Black & White Sunday

I’m sure you noticed that I changed my banner.  I am soooo through with “celebrating summer!”  I am ready for some nice crisp cool autumn weather  AND Halloween!  I am so silly about Halloween!  I even have my blog design all planned and just waiting.

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In the meantime, my Butterfly Bush is blooming its little head off.  Look closely and you can see the……..I THINK that it’s a little moth guy?  They’re not as big as a Hummingbird but pretty good size.


And, of course, lots of butterflies.

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So hurry up Autumn…….I’m ready and waiting for that gorgeous weather!

Have a lovely Sunday everyone!



  1. Oooooooo Denise...I am NUTS about Halloween! It's my favorite holiday :) I am so ready for the fall too. I love your new banner.


  2. Hi Decise,
    I too am excited about Fall. NOT winter though, too cold for me, but I just love Fall.
    Besides my Home & Garden and French Pillow Buisness's, my family also owns a Costume Shop in Santa Monica, so we love Halloween too...

    If you get a chance, stop by my Blog for a visit and say hi!
    Take care,

  3. We are SO on the same page with Fall and Halloween! :) I was just delighted to see that you have chosen to follow my blog...and honored!
    It will be fun gettting to know you!

  4. I am hoping that something "witchy" will show up on here...or Fallish... :) I'm just sayin'.. :)

  5. Hi Denise,
    Your B&Ws are so pretty. That banner is gorgeous. You are definitely ready for fall. Just beautiful, girl.

  6. love all your photos! what a pretty page!

  7. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm waiting for the cooler weather too. I know that if it rained right now I'd be out there dancing in it! It was nice to find your pretty faces on my followers list today - I've been pleased to come over and discover your blog!

  8. I love black and white photos. We have had a cooler summer this year here in Michigan. So I'm in no hurry for Autumn to arrive just yet. =)

  9. d, I love black and white, they are always my favorite. Love your photos and I too am waiting for fall...

  10. I too am excited about Fall. NOT winter though, too cold for me, but I just love Fall.

    Work From Home


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