Sunday, March 17, 2013

A quick look at my master bath and we need your prayers!

I usually try and keep my blog impersonal.  But our family could use the prayers of all of you prayer warriors out there right now.

My sister in law has been diagnosed with a very rare blood disease.   A form of hemophilia.  Her clotting factor today is at 7.4 which has actually come down from 8.4.  To give you an idea of how serious this is, a normal clotting factor should be between 60 to 100.  The doctors have tried everything and nothing is helping.  A blood specialist  at Oklahoma University Medical Center says this is one of three of the worst cases he has ever seen.  They have sent her case out to physicians all over the United States looking for any suggestions that they may have.  This is very serious and if she should begin bleeding into her brain or her heart…….

Any way, we need everyone to please pray for “L”.  Thank You for your help!  Denise

As you can imagine, this has meant that I am running behind on everything around here.  It weighs on my mind every minute of the day and I’m not accomplishing much as a result.


Here are a few pics. of what I finished doing “behind the scenes” in my master bathroom vanity a couple of weeks ago.


I made this little earring display for the inside of my vanity door.  It started out as just a “for fun” project, but has actually helped me organize my earrings.    I simply painted an old frame white and glued the burlap to the back.  Then I used a piece of burlap to hang it from and just tacked it to the door.  Next I glued a flower over the tack to hide it.  A fast and simple project!


I finally trimmed out the cotton lace inside of my doors with gimp and reorganized my sheets and pillow cases.


I put an inexpensive hook on the opposite door for my hand towel.  Made a quick curtain for the inside to hide the plumbing and my cleaning supplies, and organized my every day hair products, etc. in some of my milk glass and a basket that I painted with the same white as the frame.


I sorted out all of my bracelets and made a place for them on the vanity.


My makeup sits on the other side.  I threw away a ton of old makeup and kept only what I really use.  These were just little changes which I frankly considered “cosmetic.”  But I’ve been pleasantly surprised to find that just this little bit of extra organization has made a huge difference in the time that it takes me to get ready for the day!

AND… more little note!

I was a terrible party goer this past week and missed the Dress Form Ball at the Polka Dot Closet.  I had intended to link up when it started and then again on Monday and just never made it!  Bad bad Bella Dreams!  Anywho……The badge and direct link are still up on my top right side bar so please give Carol a visit!

Talk to all of you later in the week!  Thanks again for all of your prayers!





  1. Praying for "L".....that the HEALING POWER of GOD manifest itself for "L". By your stripes Lord, she is HEALED...we pray for the Doctors to have the knowledge and understanding where and why this is happening, that her blood situation return to normal and we give you all the Glory for answered prayer....Blessings...Roxie

  2. sending prayers for strength and healing...take care.

  3. I'll be praying for your sister in law. That is soooo very scary...I hope they figure out what is going on ..immediately. Love how you organized your bathroom. I need to organize my earrings badly. I have an earring holder but .... I have too many earrings for it. I need to make something like you did. I've got some extra frames around here...I just need to do.

  4. I am praying!! Also, I love what you put your bracelets in. Your touches look chic and are also functional.


  5. Oh dear, I'm thinking of you all and praying for your sister in law.
    Great job on the vanity! You went to such bother to hide the plumbing, etc. isn't a bit of organisation great, I should practice it a bit more!!

  6. I'm so sorry! Please know we are sending her well wishes from California......

    Love how pretty and organized your vanity is! You even hide the plumbing from cute you are :)

  7. You definitely have my prayers

  8. How awful, sending you loads of positive thoughts and prayer.

    My husband was diagnosed with polycythemia a few years back and was close to a stroke. He ended up being gene tested by Oxford as I think he had a variation of it in reality. I know its the opposite of what your sister has but I do hope they can find the right treatment.

  9. Prayers being sent your way my dear.

    Just now getting back to Blogland.

    Lots of Love,

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