Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So what do you do when you're both unemployed and totally broke?  Take the grandson to the Oklahoma Aquarium on his last day of Spring break!  Hey...money well spent!  These kiddos are only little once and you have to grab the moments when you can!  RIGHT?  Right I say!

So I really really was going to publish a pic. of me and the T-man together at the Aquarium.  I thought "I can take it.  I'm over 50.  I'm not as slim as I once was (haha) and I never have photographed well but what the hey!  Embrace what you are and show the world! "  RIGHT?  Wrong I say!

It was just too horrible!  Too hideous!  Too scary!  Too.....everything!  PLUS I have this awful skin condition apparently brought on by stress that looks beyond terrible!  You know you look bad when you go to see your Doc.  and he takes one look at you and says "OMG!."  Aren't they supposed to be supportive or something?  Anywho....I'm wandering here......

So instead of a pic. of me............................

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Here's a blue lipped fish for ya!  Trust me....I'm saving you some grief here!

So anywhoo.......we saw lots of great things!

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Who knew you could photograph so well through glass?  Hubby took tons of great pictures!  Hubby always takes tons of pictures.  Thank goodness for the age of digital cameras!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful wonderful week!


PS:  I promise I haven't forgotten about the Cheap Chic posts.  I'm right on top of it.....really....I promise.....I'm working on it.....

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