Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Beauty………it’s all around us.  In our homes, in our gardens, in nature, our families, and our pets.  This evening I am “embracing” the beauty around me.  The things that I surround myself with calm me and make me smile.

Tomorrow Heather is having surgery.  T-man is still hurting and asking for pain meds.  (poor kid.)   T-man’s PaPa, my Hubby is taking care of him tomorrow while I’m at the Hospital with Heather.   I can already see the writing on the wall there,  because PaPa is hard of hearing and T-man is still barely able to talk.

My poor paranoid Mother isn’t speaking to me this evening because I dared to be away from the house for two days and didn’t answer her phone calls.

I was actually at Heather’s helping her clean house since she can hardly move with the huge Hernia that she has. 

Our air conditioner has been out and I’m hot and miserable.

Calm Calm Calm………………………………………….

Maybe a little meditation (or is that medication)

Another bubble bath……………………………………..

In cool water………………………………………………..


  1. Oh Denise, I am so sorry you are going through so much! I'm praying for you and Heather, for your Hubby and Grandson (and a cool breeze). I get cranky in the heat. You poor baby, you must be exhausted. Hang in there, good luck to Heather. God Bless.


  2. I am praying for you all. Good luck to you Heather and get well Trevor. I was out of AC during Memorial Day weekend...always a holiday for me when something goes wrong....I was not a happy camper. God Bless you all, Paula

  3. Sending Best Wishes your way Denise!
    Your "Beauty" mosaic is absolutely gorgeous.


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