Friday, July 17, 2009


Well first and foremost…..I ACTUALLY won a giveaway!  I, who never ever win anything!  Really, never ever.  So I was beyond thrilled when I got an e-mail from Carolee from king of mice telling me that I had won her giveaway during the Mad Tea Party!


This cute potion bottle is going to look fabulous with my Halloween decorations this year!  Just what I needed to add to my collection.  I had really truly been wanting to start a collection of bottles!  Now I have a start and just the excuse that I needed to acquire more!

Thank you  soooooo much Carolee!  I appreciate your kindness and am so excited about my winnings!

Lucky lucky me!


Heather had FREE (gotta love that word) tickets to the movie premier of Julie Julia!  The story of Julia Child and her time in Europe when she was struggling to write her first cook book. And the story of Julie, a blogger who in 2002 blogged about and cooked all of the recipes in the book ‘ Mastering The Art of French Cooking’ in 365 days.


I had no idea what to expect but I have to say that it was a WONDERFUL movie.  So so funny and Meryl Streep played Julia Child to a tee!  The vintage costumes were amazing as were the images of Paris, France from that period.  The modern story was also delightful and funny.  The movie goes back and forth between the two stories. 

I absolutely hate to cook but I’m tempted to buy this cookbook after watching the movie.  I said TEMPTED you notice!

Anywho, I would definitely recommend this one as soon as it comes out!  A great chick flick for a “ girls night out” movie!  Which is exactly what Heather and I did.  We had dinner, did so well splitting one meal and having iced tea.  Thought we were doing so well not eating any popcorn or candy during the movie and almost, almost made it to the car but alas….. ice cream was calling our name!  I’d say that pretty well blew it and then some.  But we had a great evening!

Have a wonderful week!



  1. congrats on winning the giveaway!

  2. Can't wait to see this movie. So glad to hear your take on it Bella Girl. Thanks!

  3. Conrats-a-mungo on the win! lucky girl!
    I can't wait to see that movie- Meryl is so fab! Thanks for the review! (and ice cream- always so worth it!)
    Have a great weekend!

  4. That's a neat feeling I'll bet, winning something. I rarely win anything, course I don't get signed up either too often lol. I was thinking the same thing about this movie, a girlfriend night! Karen

  5. Congrats on winning!!! I have a friend that wanted to make that movie a girls night out too. Though I really think my hubby would love it too.
    I think we're getting the heat you guys had finally! though nothing as bad as 102. Crazy!
    Talk soon,

  6. I have never won anything either, so I guess thier is hope...I can't wait to see the movie, but I love to cook. Thanks for commenting on the room. I got the photo from another blog, she had posted it as a room that had gone way wrong. I however thought it had a certain charm, but I stood alone on that side of the fence. Glad to know my friends stand with me. I have yet to get a e-mail??? thanks again

  7. My daughter & I can't wait to see the movie. Congratulations on your win!


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