Thursday, March 28, 2013

Creating that Old World Look with Maison Blanche paint AND saving a few bucks!

The new furniture paints are expensive.  We get it!  If anyone is a frugal DIYer it’s me and Miss Heather.  Okay…….edit that.  BROKE is more like it!  So here’s how to save a little money while getting that elegant old world look.


A frame or piece of furniture with lots of detailing.


Like the gold frame in the above pic.

Maison Blanche paint color of your choice.  I used Confederate Grey.  Also Maison Blanche clear wax.


Sand paper.  We always use a medium grit.  Well…..not always.  It’s more like what ever is handy.

Cheap Chip Brushes… these available at your local hardware store.


Flour.   Yep that’s what I said.  Or I guess I should say wrote.  Smile  Right out of your kitchen!


So sure……you spent a pretty penny for your furniture paint.  But you’re gonna get a LOT of awesome projects out of that quart of paint,  with that cheapo brush,  and a little bit of flour,  that will look like you spent a LOT of money.

So pull out that cheapo brush and lets get started!

We love love our chip brushes.  They’re all we use.  On EVERYTHING.  EVER!  Forget that Purdy that you paid a PUURTY price for.  You will have to look out for loose bristles.  Pull out as many loose bristles as you can before you use your brush, keep an eye out while you paint,  wash it after each use, and the older it gets, the more you’ll love using it.


1.  Paint your frame/project with one good coat of paint.  Allow to dry completely.


If you miss a few spots, don’t worry.  We’ll handle that later.

2.  After your project is completely dry, load your brush up with plenty of paint and apply to the decorative areas only.



Yep.  Like that. 

Now…..and this is when it gets a little messy…….sprinkle flour over the wet paint.


Yep.  Like that. 

Now comes a little decision  making.

If you want a look like this…..


Where it looks like the paint has built up over time.  Take a CLEAN DRY brush and make a little paste from the wet paint and flour that is on your project,  and kind of pounce your brush in different areas.  When you’re happy with the look you have achieved,  leave it alone and let dry completely.

If you want a cleaner look, don’t touch a thing and allow your piece to dry.  Don’t be afraid to experiment.  You CAN’T mess this up.

So….you let your piece dry completely.  Right?  You didn’t worry over it…..wonder if you had lost your mind sprinkling flour all over it.  Right?

Then you’re a better woman than I.  Because at this point, I was sure this was the craziest thing EVER!

Anywho……after your piece has dried completely, take your clean,  dry brush and brush away all of the excess flour.  Take or leave as much in the cracks as you wish.

Now we sand.  Those spots that you missed with your paint?  We call those a “sanding opportunity.” HA!

After you’ve sanded, you’re ready to wax.  This is another opportunity to take off a little more flour if you wish.   Just apply more wax in the cracks, or less.  You’ll get a feel for what you want quickly.   We ALSO use our cheapo chip brushes to apply our wax.   Let your wax dry, as usual, and then buff with a clean soft rag.  We use old t-shirts.


Oh be still my heart!  It worked!  I mean… REALLY worked!


Some of the old gold is peeking through.  Some places are sanded clear down to bare wood.  It looks like years of dirt and dust has accumulated in the cracks and crevices.


As you can see, each section looks a little different.  Just like a true antique would.  And this is when you think…..”WOW that paint and that wax are worth every penny. 


And here’s my little beauty back on the wall.


STILL waiting for me to make a decision on that wall paint!  Soon…..very soon!

Happy painting to you!

We have a huge shipment of paint coming in some time next week.  More blog tutorials in the wings and workshops too!  Oohhh…..and a little tip!  Keep that brush  you used to apply your wax in a zip lock, and it will last indefinitely!   Hey every penny counts, right!?

Happy Easter!



  1. To start, I wasn't sure where that was going with the flour! It turned out amazing! Lokks fab, well done. Thanks for sharing

  2. Thank you for sharing. I can hardly wait to give this a try. Keep that flour out and make you a nice pie crust. Whip up some coconut filling and top it with meringue and more coconut. Toast the top a bit. Now go enjoy the pie while you smile at your new frame.
    Happy Easter, gals!

  3. Wow I cannot wait to try this. Looks fantastic. Thanks for the info. Happy Easter!


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