Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It’s a little……gaudy

That was Hubby’s attempt to be tactful when he saw my first finished digital collage picture.  Bless his little pea brain!  He just doesn’t “get it”.  And it probably IS one of those things that you will either love or hate.

So……… she is!

Oh but wait!  Let’s set the stage (so to speak).


Back entry.   LOVE IT!  HaHa!  But in MY warped little world MORE is sometimes better!  Okay okay almost always better!


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Bless her little winged bird cage headed heart!  She doesn’t even have a name yet.


But I like her in her new home!  Who needs a mirror by the back door anyway!


Just in case the frame wasn’t tacky enough….I had to jewel the middle top.   So……Heather saw it……Heather wanted it…..Heather DIDN’T get it!  She even tried the “after all the pieces of furniture that I’ve painted for you” ploy.  I told her I’d be happy to make one for her, but she would have to find her own frame.  This was one that I already had!  And how often are you going to find a gold frame this gaudy?  If anyone can it’s that girl!

So…..I’m still learning this digital collage thing.  Just looking at these pictures I see some things that need a little “tweaking”.  But she’s my first baby so she’ll remain as is……for now.



So we go to the Rink, you know just to fluff the booth but then we HAVE just HAVE to look around because there’s always something new!  So yesterday I found…..


These cute little beaded flower bouquets.  I tucked one inside of a little bag hanging from the tree bed.


Adorable shoes.  $4.00!  They’re cute as an accessory even if I don’t wear them much.


A little vintage yellow bird.  I apparently have a bird theme going this Spring.  Which is pretty funny considering the fact that I DO NOT like birds (real ones) anywhere near me!  They just creep me out!

I think it may be that 1963 Alfred Hitchcock movie

“The Birds”


I always see that scene where Tippi Hedren is running while they attack her and peck at her head!  CREEPY I tell ya!  Okay so I do enjoy the birds in my back yard……from a distance……a very L O  N G……distance!

Have a wonderful week!  And watch out for all those birds!  HA HA!!



  1. I like the whole setting. It is VERY original and artsy! You go girl!

    Did I thank you for visiting my place? Come back anytime!

  2. LOVE the collage! It's gorgeous! I'm with you on "The Birds". That show totally creeps me out! LOL!

  3. OHHHHHHHH don't you worry...I WILL find a frame...and I bet ya you'll love it better than yours..AND I WON'T GIVE IT TO YOU!!! Well ok, I probably would, cause I love ya that much and you ARE my MOMMY!

  4. you should name it whomever that actress' name is/was....
    or Bella :)

    LOVE your entry! I'm a sucker for color though.


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